The Liebster Award #5 & #6

This is one of my favourite tags as the questions are always different (you’ll never get the same question twice), and its the perfect opportunity to get to know other bloggers better! I’ve been fortunate enough to nominated twice for this tag so I want to say a HUGE thank you to both Pilar @The Bookworm Shelf and Lily @Lilly’s Little Library for nominating me and for sending some great questions to answer! I had so much fun answering them so make sure you check out their blogs, as they are both so lovey and are always posting fabulous content that I know you will all enjoy! 

The rules are simple, answer all the questions created by the person who nominated you and then its your turn to nominate other bloggers to answer your own questions!

Pilar’s questions!

Favourite Ship?

My mind went straight to Feyre and Rhys from ACOMAF, and even though they are one of my ultimate fictional couples, I wanted to choose someone different. Other couples I love include Kaz and Inejz from Six of Crows, Elend and Vin from Mistborn and of course Bryce and Hunt from Crescent City. Can you see I have a type? Anyone tall, dark and handsome, so if the universe would like to send me ANY fictional crush then that would be greatly appreciated!

Favourite blog post you have ever written?

I never thought of having a favourite blog post, but I really enjoyed writing my review of Out of Love by Hazel Hayes, as well as my read-a-thon where I Read Like Rory Gilmore for a Week. I also love my new feature Blog Posts I Loved This Month as I always think its good to celebrate and highlight some of the amazing posts people publish!

Most disappointing book you’ve read this year?

The Cup and The Prince by Day Leitao. This is probably one of my biggest disappointments of 2020 and it breaks my heart to admit that because I hate writing bad reviews. As many of you know I was hooked by this book’s synopsis but sadly this is one of those rare cases of a great premise but not so great execution.

The longest book you have ever read?

Both Game of Thrones and Little Women are chunky reads, but I read them on ebook so that I wasn’t intimidated by their size!

Any series that you’re currently watching or movies that you saw recently?

I’ve fallen back into the Vampire Diaries trap, but since Netflix rudely removed the show earlier this month, I’ve had to settle with The Originals; I need my fix of gorgeous and mysterious vampires!

I also binge-watched Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares and it was adorable, the perfect show to watch in the lead up to Christmas. I remember reading the book years ago and falling in love with the storyline, and although I can’t remember everything that happens in the book, it felt like the show was a pretty honest and accurate adaption!

Do you ever get film cravings, or is it just me? The other day I had a real need to re-watch Catching Fire, because that film is PERFECT and one of my all time favourites. I could honestly watch that film every day for the rest of my life and would still love it!

The holiday season is here! What is your favorite holiday and why?

Christmas! Everything is so magical and its the perfect time to spend with your family! Plus I love giving gifts and particularly enjoy a good Christmas dinner!

What is one of your biggest pet peeves?

I’ve had to restrain myself and only pick a couple! Firstly, slow walkers. I understand that its nice to amble along from time to time but I’ve got places to be! Also when you can hear other peoples music through their headphones especially when I’m on the train. Nobody needs to her your heavy metal EDM music, pal, so please keep it to yourself! And lastly people with an inflated sense of their own importance. Just no.

Name three things that you love doing (besides reading and writing). Why do you love them?

I’m really into running and walking at the moment especially with the UK being back in lockdown! Its the perfect way to clear my mind and enjoy the beautiful countryside that’s right on my doorstep. I’m also big into rugby (watching not playing) so at the weekends its very likely that you’ll find me shouting at the television. Finally, I love to travel and did have some amazing travel plans this year that were sadly cancelled, hopefully next year it will be safe to travel and I experience more of the world!

If you don’t mind, what is one of the most embarrassing moments you have had?

Where to start? It’s probably when I was ‘accidentally’ pushed down the stairs of a nightclub and I went FLYING and even managed to take out a few people on the way down! I was completely sober and a friend behind me stumbled and the rest is history! It’s been three years and it’s still something we all laugh about, I’m just glad that no one managed to get the CCTV footage!

If you could have anything right now, what would you ask for?

A job. LOL. No but seriously if anyone wants to hire me then I’m here! Although I love my current job, I’m desperately searching for something with more career progression and that relates to my degree. The dream however would be to have my own little bookshop and cafe! I’d also really love a cure for this virus!

Tell me a weird/ fun fact about you.

I can touch my tongue to my nose! And I have a level one certificate in sign language!

Lilly’s Questions

If you could live anywhere in OUR world, where would you live?

EDINBURGH! I’d honestly give my left arm to finally move out and have a little flat in Edinburgh. The city has this wonderfully magical element to it, so whatever the weather the city still looks beautiful. Plus there are so many hidden gems and historical aspects just waiting to be explored.

What’s your favorite food?

I’m a proper foodie so I’ll pretty much devour anything! But I do love a good old bowl of pasta or a chunky burger, the bigger the better! Last year I went to Rome and the food there was INCREDIBLE, I’d 100% just go back for the food!

If you could choose to be any magical creature for the rest of your life, what would you be?

A dragon, duh! How cool would that be! Or a mermaid, that would be pretty fun! OR I could live out my Vampire Diaries fantasies and book a one way ticket to Mystic Falls as a vampire! I can’t choose!

Would you rather live 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future?

100% in the past!

What character’s life would you most like to live?

I love this question! I’m currently reading the Caraval series so I think I’d like to be Scarlet so I could experience the wonder of Caraval, plus I’d get to spend some quality time with Julian!

What battery percentage is your device on right now?

28%, I like to live on the edge, and I don’t think its ever 100%! I’m constantly using it wether its for work, reading, blogging or check my socials, I’m embarrassed to share my screen time!

If you could only have one hobby from here on out (besides reading of course, how could anyone live without reading?) what would it be?

I think I’d choose writing. I did attempt NaNoWriMo this year (but more on that in my next blog post), and I have such an active imagination that I need an output to channel all my thoughts and ideas!

What is your current favourite song?

I have an Emergency Taylor Swift playlist on my Spotify account for when I’m having a bad day and that’s been getting a lot of attention recently! I’m also loving a bit of Léon, her album Apart has been on repeat all week!

If you could change your first name right now, what would you choose?

I’ve always liked the name Emma, I don’t know why? I’m pretty happy with Amy though, so if given the choice I think I’d stick with my original name!

What book got you into reading?

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K Rowling! I remember being really determined to finish this book and prove to everyone that I could easily read 600+ pages! Future Amy is still very impressed and thankful for past Amy’s determination.

What’s your favorite book?

I can’t pick just one but my top three are The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, The Finale Empire by Brandon Sanderson and A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas!

My Questions

  1. In a movie of your life, who would play you?
  2. Whose blog should I follow?
  3. Why did you start blogging?
  4. What’s your karaoke song?
  5. What book character would you like to hang out with if you were having a bad day?
  6. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?
  7. What’s your Hogwarts house?
  8. Favourite quote?
  9. What is your top tip to beat a reading slump?
  10. Best book you’ve read, so far, this year?
  11. What book would you like to see under your Christmas tree this year?

I Tag

Anyone who’s new here (or who just likes my questions!) as I want to get to know everyone better! Plus I’ve recently hit 600 followers which is mad, so THANK YOU!

14 thoughts on “The Liebster Award #5 & #6

  1. Ahh congrats on the award and YES THAT SOC SHIP IS MY NEW OTP HAHA *i can’t believe i took so long to read six of crows (i just finished it a week ago)*

    You actually have an interesting point about not being intimidated by large books because they are in ebook format! Hmm… maybe I’ll try that one day with all those big ones that I keep avoiding!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I loved reading your answers!! Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions ☺️ And I’ve always wanted to learn sign language!! I’ve always thought it was super interesting and a great skill to have.

    Liked by 1 person

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